4th grade - 6th grade
Curiosity, Abstraction & Independence
In Upper Elementary, the classroom continues to keep students engaged and eager to learn. National research shows that students begin to lose interest in schoolwork during this particular age, however, the Montessori Curriculum supports the opposite. With a continued, individualized curriculum, the child is allowed to nurture their curiosity, explore more abstract concepts freely in all academic areas, and make deeper connections to the world around them. Whether it’s cooking an African feast, dissecting a fish, learning about subtracting mixed-number fractions, or debating global issues at the United Nations in New York, Upper Elementary students at MSE continue learning and engaging.
At this age students have increasing capacity for abstract and critical thinking so they can engage in complex and compelling studies. Their brain development allows them to move beyond the “what” and “why” of the Lower Elementary Program and begin to question the “how” of the universe. Broad themes such as Early Humans and Ancient Civilizations, Timeline of Technology, Biology, and Earth and Physical Science are integrated into the program.
While academic growth is rampant, students continue to develop important life skills. Weekly planners help students anticipate due dates, monitor their homework load, foster self-reliance, and fine-tune their organizational skills. Students take monthly field trips, and participate in two overnight adventures. Music, Art, Spanish and Physical Education round out the weekly schedule.
The Upper Elementary years are a time of great social development for children. Peers are increasingly important in their lives, and they begin to work more in groups. We honor this stage of development by offering them more collaborative projects, which helps them refine team-work skills.
“MSE is more than a school, it is a community. My kids have flourished in their learning environments at MSE. The teachers quickly became people that we will all know and cherish for the rest of our lives.”
Marshdale North
6989 Highway 73, Evergreen,
CO 80439
Marshdale South
Toddler to Lower Elementary
6979 Hwy 73 Evergreen, CO 80439
Toddler to Lower Elementary
29740 Troutdale Scenic Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439